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Post Production
Add static or animated titles to your production for added affect:
Graphic Title Add your company logo
Animated titles and graphics:
Add moving graphics and logos to give your production that final touch.
Quicktime of animated logo for intro to show
Color correction:
Even under good conditions the final look of any video does not end with the captured image. Some changes are made in the post production phase to fine tune the image. Below are examples of color correction, click here to see a short split screen example of color correction.
Original Corrected image
Original Corrected
Original Corrected
Add still pictures to your video:
Still images, either digital or scanned film prints, can be added to accent your video.
DVD Menus:
DVD Menus can be as simple as text on a colored background, or can utilize your logo or a still image.
DVD Menu using a still image taken from the video DVD menu (left) created using a graphic of the Renovation Psychology book cover (right)